Video games have the potential of bringing people together and create all sorts of communities online. There are several characteristics found in video games both online and offline that gives reasons for players to play, discuss and share information in communities made especially for the games they all play together. A common achievement is one of these characteristics of video games that motivate players to play and communicate together in groups instead of being all by themselves. Video games contain also social characteristic that enables players to interact with each other especially in online games and the notion of role-playing also encourage players to create their own stories together inside the game environment. The narration and the game design are also factors that are, if well made, very engaging and motivating for players to build communities.
Video games are at their base a form of media used for entertainment but it also can bring people together by allowing them to interact, communicate and share a common objective. Both online and offline video games can create communities. A specific video game can be built a community consisted of people playing that specific game and since these people are playing the same game they will have a shared purpose, interest and objectives that will be communicated between each other (O’ Connor et al, 2015). Some video games such as MMOs (Mass Multiplayer Online) are designed to provide a “Player-to-player” interaction experience and creates huge communities online, sometimes the community created from the game can be the biggest reason why players keep on playing the game (O’ Connor et al, 2015). Online video games are great at building communities because they provide a virtual environment where people of all age, gender, different backgrounds, and profession can connect and interact with each other ( Maria, 2009).
Moreover, another reason why it is so common to see communities born from video games is because of their interactive nature that invites “participative culture” among players (Sky Larell Anderson, 2018 ). We will see in details what makes video games so effective at building communities and how their interactive nature allows players to communicate and share interests that encourage them to stay in a gaming community.
Common achievement
A common goal or objective inside a video game can be a big factor why players decide to communicate with each other and collaborate instead of playing alone, hence creating a sense of community (O’ Connor et al ,. 2015). Such a common goal can be in the form of finding a well-hidden treasure inside the game or to beat an enemy boss which is very difficult to eliminate. These goals will encourage players to communicate information such as tips, strategies or even theories and combine them together until they successfully achieve their common goal. This form of communication between players is what will contribute to the shaping of a community consisted of people working together to achieve a common objective ( Maria, 2009
). These common goals can differ depending on the type and genre of the video game. People playing single player RPG games such as God of War will not have the same goals and objectives of people playing multiplayer games such as World of Warcraft since these games have different play styles and narrations (Sky Larell Anderson, 2018). Video games are very good at creating virtual worlds with virtual scenarios and stories consisted of various problems for players to solve, in order to solve these problems the players will work together as a team (Maria, 2009). It is sometimes very hard for a lone player to finish the game completely by himself as he may not be skilled enough to solve difficult levels or take care of a powerful enemy boss. In order to complete the game the lone player will seek help and mutual cooperation inside the community (Maria, 2009). In the case of a single player game, the player can go inside the community related to the game and ask for tips and advice or even watch how other skilled players solved it. In the case of an online game, the player can go inside the community and ask other players, who are more skilled and have more experience, to join and assist him ( Maria, 2009). The Cooperation that occurs when different players get together to achieve a common goal can also be a form of motivation as this teamwork can be perceived as a social experience that provides a sense of “togetherness” (Maria, 2009). The communication that will take place during the collaboration is an important factor for players as they perceive it as more fun and rewarding compared to if they had to play online in solitude (Maria, 2009). In short, if different people have a common objective which they cannot necessarily achieve it alone they will naturally get together, communicate and share ideas thus creating a community. This is why video games are effective at building communities as they create objectives that will encourage people to get together to achieve them.
Social aspect
Video games easily build communities by encouraging other players to socialize with each other in various ways. In an MMORPG, safe areas such as “Guilds” or public areas are good places for players to interact with each other and socialize when they are not doing quests or other kinds of missions ; On the other hand, when they do quests and missions, players can form teams and groups in which they can play and communicate with each other (O’ Connor et al,. 2015). Nowadays games are becoming major spare time activity and virtually connects people all around the world; It is easier and more frequent now to meet other players and to communicate with them (Sabine, Leonard, & keno, 2012). It can be argued that video games, especially the ones that contain multiplayer features or which are completely multiplayer based such as Second Life offers a lot of possibilities for players to socialize with each other and therefore build communities. Social capital is a key concept used in the analysis of personal interactions and relationship; Physical proximity, social proximity, and familiarity are factors that help to increase social capital hence increasing socialization (Sabine, Leonard, & keno, 2012). These factors can be observed and evaluated to see how good of a platform video game can be for players to socialize and interact with each other. Physical proximity refers to how available and accessible others are for interaction, it has been described as a “ law of affiliation” as it indicates how partners get to be in touch with each other although it does not guarantee attraction (Sabine, Leonard, & keno, 2012). Video games do not provide great physical proximity in general unless the players decide to meet up outside in the real world which can be the case if they live near each other; It will on the other hand not be the case for players who know each other but live in different countries. Social proximity refers to the closeness of social networks and a group of person is considered to be socially proximate if they are both or all accessible (Sabine, Leonard, & keno, 2012). In this case, it is more about virtual presence than physical presence, although the person is not physically present this person can still communicate and interact. In video games, social proximity can be very positive if players meet up and get together regularly. In this case, players don’t need to be physically present to socialize which is what online games are all about, playing and interacting with people all around the world. Familiarity refers to the social psychological notion that people have a liking for the familiar meaning that the more people are socializing with each other, the closer they get and feel (Sabine, Leonard, & keno, 2012 ). When combining social proximity and familiarity together and applying it to online games we can get a high level of social capital despite low physical proximity (Sabine, Leonard, & keno, 2012). This is because players can meet frequently inside the online game and interact with each other (Social proximity) and as they keep on meeting and interacting they start to grow more familiar with each other (Familiarity).
Role playing
Role-playing is an aspect of video games that focuses on the “participative culture” and is another big factor that contributes in the building of an active community (O’ Connor et al ,. 2015). Role-playing is a way of playing a video game by using the settings provided by the gaming environment for “player-to-player interaction” ; It can encourage players to interact and collaborate with each other to create their own stories inside the game (O’ Connor et al ,. 2015). Role-playing can be done inside the game story or outside but by using the elements of the games, entire communities can be formed just for role-playing as players will meet each other and interact to create scenarios and come up with new dialogues and made up objectives. In MMORPGs, when roleplaying inside the game story, the player can choose to create a character and decide a specialty or role such as paladin, archer, healer, etc… A lone player will not be able to advance far in the game and reach a higher level by himself and needs to form a team with other players that have different roles (O’ Connor et al ,. 2015). A team consisted of players with each a different role has more chance of advancing further in the game and reach higher levels thus encouraging teamwork and communication. This is how roleplaying inside the game stories of online games can contribute to the build of communities that will interact and work with each other. T his form of division of labor will give players the incentive to meet other players in order to build a good team also known in gaming terms as “party”.When players decide to roleplay outside of the game story, they can use to role play as an existing character or can create their own original character with an individual identity inside video games, it can be similar to their real identity or it can be a completely made up one that will consist of unique traits and “idiosyncrasies” unique to them (Maria, 2009 ). Online video games allow players to create an identity that they will use to interact with other players; The difference between the way the player talks and acts in real life and in online games can be very different but this is what role-playing is all about, it is an act (Maria, 2009). For example, a male player can choose to create a female character and act like one while interacting with other players in online games such as GTA Online or World of Warcraft. When role-playing, players can form groups in which they feel as being part of and use this identity to distinguish them from other players (Maria, 2009). Therefore players can build communities inside video games to create an identity that they can use to separate themselves from other players who are part of other communities.
Narration & Game design
If well made, a game narration and game design can encourage players to build communities around those types of games. In this case, it is more about single player based games, rather than online games, as the story and the narration can be appealing enough to engage a group of players who will get together to learn and share information about it (Sky Larell Anderson, 2018). It is also the case if the game is designed in a way that makes it engaging for the players, usually, the ones which are difficult to play, as players will build a community to help each other such as Dark Souls (Sky Larell Anderson, 2018).
Video games are more than just forms of media for entertainment as they can help people to socialize, discuss and share their experiences with others. Games are becoming more social and hence increasing the numbers of communities online. Each game will have its own community containing people who have played the same game and usually share the same interest and desire to play that game. Reasons such as achieving a common goal, role-playing or the story of the game itself can all contribute together or sometimes individually in the creation of a community online.
Reference List:
O’ Connor, Erin L. ; Longman, Huon ; White, Katherine M. ; Obst, Patricia L. (2015) Sense of Community, Social Identity and Social Support Among Players of Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs): A Qualitative Analysis. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology .25(6), 459-473
Trepte, Sabine ; Reinecke, Leonard ; Juechems, Keno. (2012) The social side of gaming: How playing online computer games creates online and offline social support. Computers in Human Behavior. 28(3), 832-839
Frostling-Henningsson, Maria. (2009) First-Person Shooter Games as a Way of Connecting to People: “Brothers in Blood”. CyberPsychology & Behavior 12(5),557-562
DOI: 10.1089=cpb.2008.0345
Video games a definitely effective at bringing people together. I liked the way that you defined some of the aspects in which video games can bring together communities whether they are offline or online. Sometime I think we consider the only meaningful communities of games as online communities through the games when in fact there is so much more community that occurs through gamer’s and their ability to connect.
Your paper also did a great job in highlighting the fact that there are so many experiences made around gaming that people can have depending on the way in which they engage with the game they are playing. Whether playing for the rewards, achievements, social, role playing or community they may or may not play for all those reasons, but nonetheless have meaningful experiences that can result in them joining or having community around it.
Why do you think games are becoming more social than before?
Thanks, CSawbridge
Video games are indeed more than just mediums of entertainment. They can bring people together and create experiences that can be beneficial and fulfilling.
Video games are becoming more and more social thanks to the internet and Web 2.0. The participatory culture that is now present online has enabled gamers to share their experiences and opinions with other people who have the same interests. Nowadays games are also more multiplayer focused, hence bringing more people together by either making them compete with each other or co-operate to achieve a common goal.
Hi LCadet,
You bring some convincing points regarding video game communities. They can bring like-minded people together and therefore create new friendships and bonds from around the world. Although I am not part of any gaming communities, I have noticed how a wide range of communities from team competitive events to a bunch of strangers joking around on gaming servers can incorporate all the aspects you have mentioned. Team events and/or games as you have mentioned, require intense cooperation and teamwork between the respective members which coincides with social interaction. Gaming communities are being established at various levels, whether non-competitive or competitive, through mutual interests, hence allowing for free-flowing social interactions.
Hi Stephen Yan
The internet is a large place and there are so many types and genres of games out there that we can see all sort of communities. Some gaming communities are focused on competition while others are more focused on roleplaying and having fun. There are even some communities made just to badmouth each other… I’ll say that there is no limit to what a community can be build on.
Hi LCadet,
Thanks for the reply. I guess the social aspects of gaming communities are vast with it can bring the great, good, bad and ugly out of people. While they can encourage teamwork and establish worthwhile relationships, there can be communities where some of the most vile and horrific words are said. However, gaming communities have probably had of a positive effect as like-minded people together when they previously they would have been isolated while playing their favourite games.
Hey there LCadet,
Thanks for such an informative paper. I am not a ‘gamer’ myself, or a part of any online gaming communities, and you did an awesome job of explaining how video games are more than a form of entertainment as they allow gamers to socialize, discuss and engage with others. I also really liked how you provided reasoning for why gaming communities are created, such as achieving a common goal, role-playing or the story of the game itself.
You bring some convincing points regarding video game communities, however, I can’t help but think about the communities offline or in ‘real-life’ that these gamers are then possibly missing out on due to being more involved in online communities. Do you think that people who spend a significant amount of time in their online communities are then missing out on enriching their real-life experiences and building connections to people in offline communities?
Thanks again for an informative paper – Alice
Feel free to check out my paper: https://networkconference.netstudies.org/2019Curtin/2019/05/05/web-2-0-effect-on-societys-engagement-with-activism/#comments
Thank you AmcAuliffe, I’ll make sure to read your paper and leave a comment.
For your question about gamers and the communities offline, a gamer who is part of an online community can also be part of an offline community. In my case, for example, I am a gamer who is part of numerous communities online but I am also a Christian who goes to church twice a week, plays football with my friends and enjoy the real life as much as the fictional world. It’s like having a double life between two different worlds, there can be some clashes but it is an interesting lifestyle to have. However, it’s true that some gamers choose to escape the real world through games and the internet but it’s not the case for all of us.
Hey LCadet,
What an awesome paper you have written! Very informative on how people are interacting with games and forming a community. I have never been interested in games before and this is because the thought of playing alone was what has kept me away. But your paper has shown me that online games can and have made an effective tool in creating an online community. Having the ability to not only play your favourite games but interact with others and form connections I think is extremely important within the gaming world.
You talk about people being able to create their own identities online, within these games. Do you think that forming a new identity online, that could be different to their “real” persona could be in some ways dangerous? Is it just another avenue for people to catfish other gamers, pretending to be someone they are not?
Look forward to hearing from you!
Kind Regards,
Thank you, BMaddison
Forming a new identity online that is different from our real-life identity is not always bad. It will depend on the intention behind creating an identity that differs from our real persona. Some people will create a different identity online to catfish other players or to insult and attack them while hiding their real identity, but some will create an identity different from their real persona just to roleplay an original character or an existing one for roleplaying purposes only. Creating an account to roleplay can be fun and harmless, it’s like putting a costume or a disguise to play an act. However, it will depend on the person’s motives which can be harmless or bad.
I believe that online communities are only as strong as the people who put in the work to cultivate and grow them.
I think of the Rocket League community when I think of one that has stood the test of time and is still relevant in today’s society. People inherently want to be accepted and be social so they form these communities as a way to satisfy this need.
It’s true that the more active the members are the stronger and meaningful the community will be. The strength and activity of a community can also be influenced by the number of new games being released for a certain franchise. A community based on a certain franchise that releases games frequently such as Call Of Duty will be more active and stronger as new content is added.
Hi LCadet,
Your paper is quite interesting. You have highlighted interesting points on how online games have been connecting people around the world to form a community. Additionally, you have also stated how role playing is an important aspect of the video games that is whereby it focuses on participative culture and encouraging players to interact with each other creating their own stories inside the game hence bringing the game to another level.
My paper is about online identity and fake identity projected by online daters. You can check it out : https://networkconference.netstudies.org/2019Curtin/2019/05/06/fake-identity-through-online-dating-applications/
Kind regards,
Thanks, KRamdenee
I’ll check your paper too and leave a comment.
Hi LCadet,
Your paper was very well articulated and engaging- I thoroughly enjoyed it!
I definitely agree with your approach on how video games are actually quite an effective tool at creating to online communities. I have also personally noticed the immense growth of gaming culture within our modern society. Your points you have made on team building and communication are spot on. I believe this encourages people to socialise with others in a unique manner. What aspects do you believe are what encourages people to communicate with one another online? As there are potential “dangers” of talking to strangers, this doesn’t seem to be an issue in the gaming world. I am aware this is done online, but also once people take their community out of the online world and into reality.
Looking forward to hearing your response
Thanks, TYates
I think the aspects that encourage people to communicate with each other online despite not knowing each other are mutual interests, the facilities obtained through the use of the internet and the ability to create a new persona. It is easier to communicate with people when we all share the same interests and in this situation, the mutual interest can be the video game itself. On the internet, you don’t have to just speak with other people to communicate with them as you can also comment, share and play with them online. Some people are shy and don’t like to speak but they can at least leave a comment or interact in a certain way that is not too direct. Also, shy people tend to create accounts with a different persona with which they will use to communicate with others. They will act as a different person by roleplaying and in some way will feel more safe and confident enough to communicate with others.
Hello LCadet,
I enjoyed reading your article based on how effective video games are with creating online communities. One aspect of your article that stood out was you mentioned that even if a player is engaging with a video game by themselves, they can also contribute to the online community of the game they are playing at that time. In some circumstances, it is not possible for close friends to meet and sit down to play a video games with each other as much as they did in high school or primary school. I was wondering whether you experience this within your own life?
Looking forward to your response
Hi MHanafi
It’s true that as we get older we don’t have as much time as we used to have back in high school or primary school to play video games with our friends. I did experience that, I used to play GTA online with my classmates every week after school but now we all went our separate ways and some of them don’t play games anymore as they used to. I am the only one who still continues to play video games so what I do is just move on and find other people online to play with, I surely will never forget those amazing moments I got to experience and enjoy with them though.
What a very insightful paper, thankyou.
I am not familiar with the gaming world online so it was nice to read your view on it.
Thanks to Web 2.0 the graphics, the games, the storylines and online communities have excelled to a new level of engagement online which makes it feel more real life, it is extremely clever and like a whole new world to step into.
Being able to create a character that has nothing to do with your real life could be refreshing i find, do you agree people use online gaming as a way of escaping their real lives for a period of time?
Thank you once again,
Feel free to read my paper,