
Online communities and networks impacting on youngsters’ lifestyle.

The objective of this paper is to show how social media impacts on the personality of youngsters’ lifestyle nowadays and on their identity. This paper contents the conduct of youthful females that share in via social media, for example, their jobs in conventional news sources in contrast with their jobs in the Internet and social networking sites. Site that will be particularly identified are Facebook, MySpace and Instagram, which are vigorously outwardly situated stages. The paper additionally centers around character advancement and it is a vital stage for young people, and how online life is fused into communicating their personality to other people. In conclusion, the paper investigates sexual orientation standards and how this influences young ladies’ method for communicating their character to others on the web, and how this may cause enthusiastic worries over the long haul. This paper plans to diagram these previously mentioned issues so as to completely see how youthful females are affected as far as their personality.


The development of internet based life has been promptly accessible and the capacity for clients to control content, not only it enables young females to manipulate online network but also it gives them the opportunity to create a much more ideal picture of themselves through their profile and build a personality on the web.The phase of character improvemrnt and fearlessness is basic for youths. The online community takes into consideration personality progress and self-articulation and will be explained on further in this paper. Sharing in internet based life destinations can adversy affect youthful young people’s self-perception and confidence, as different factors, for example, selfies speculation, correlation of friends on the web, and furthermore investigating sexuality to cling to societal standards are various variables that will be analyzed.

 In the beginning of the net, all records were institutional. Most destinations were huge colleges and labs and the clients were scholastics and scientists at these establishments. Today, the circumstance is progressively mind blowing and not all postings are from bias sources. Some are from private ventures obscure to the pursuer; others are accounts from business specialist organizations – fairly like electronic mail station boxes. Besides, as net access ends up across the board, a posting from an exploration lab space never again fundamentally implies an analyst sent it. Care staff just as researchers have PCs: the posting from Woods Hole might be from an unmistakable oceanographer – or an impermanent secretary. There is a lot of relevant and other data to be found in the space name, however it should be assessed inside the way of life of the net and of the associations that give get to. Baym (2007) argues that fandoms pool and create aggregate insight and influence. People make self– ideas and self– introductions inside fan gatherings. Some turned out to be outstanding to different fans through being a fan. These gatherings likewise build up a feeling of shared personality. Individual connections are framed among certain individuals from fan gatherings. Specific fandoms may have a mutual ethos, however contradiction inside fan networks is both normal and, frequently, alluring. Fandoms are often profoundly imaginative, a marvel the Internet has conveyed to the force and empowered in new ways. Being a fan is a harbinger of social marvels to come. Among the most punctual makers, promoters, and clients of the Internet were Star Trek and Grateful Dead fans anxious to utilize their new framework to talk about those subjects publicly. Online fan networks presently sit at the bleeding edge of “union culture” in which pop culture materials and writings take structure over different interlinked stages.   

Besides, considering the possible outcome of photograph project is a good discussion subject since it relate on how young females present themselves on the social network. McLean, Paxton, Wertheim and Masters (2015) adhere to the idea that the increase rate of unhealthy eating habits and inconsiderate body modifications among young ladies is related to self-photograph speculation and photograph control. One can determine a person`s photograph style through the quality of it and how it speaks to the person and through the effort of taking the photograph before sharing them on the web. Photograph alteration and control is another famous thing among youngsters considering the amount of applications available to make the photograph more appealing and engaging. Such examples are Facetune, Photoshop and VSCO cam. According to an examination undergone by McLean, Paxton, Wertheim and Masters (2015), the alteration of photograph was more of concern than the body modification estimates since it proved to obscure and change the general appearance of the photograph. Consequently these self-photograph speculation is able to cause more negative side effect than we can imagine among young people due to how it may appear to another and how the other inteprete it.

In their study, Černíková and Smahel (2014), stated that youngsters report a scope of circumstances that are incorporated into the classifications of forceful correspondence, provocation and tormenting on the web. One classification called “forceful correspondence” envelops “swear words,” “awful language,” “calling names,” and “reviling.” Children typically referenced these experiences through YouTube, recreations, or social networking sites. These circumstances are accounted for over all age classifications. Youngsters could see these circumstances inactively in remarks or through dynamic correspondence with others. Youngsters revealed instances of “discourteous” and “awful” remarks that they encountered on YouTube or in Facebook gatherings. A few youngsters unequivocally said that they were cyberbullied as a rule by means of social networking sites, as Facebook. Youngsters got terrible remarks, hostile messages and other kids snickered at them. They additionally revealed culprits making Facebook pages against the person in question or making counterfeit photographs of the person in question. A few situations when exploited people where cyberbullied by friends who had hacked their profiles. At that point culprits made awful remarks to individuals on the injured individual’s profile while claiming to be the person in question. In such a case, the injured individual winds up being cyberbullied twice. They are first tormented by the culprit taking the injured individual’s record, and once more, with the culprit sending the unfortunate casualty’s companions dreadful messages from the unfortunate casualty’s record. Some of the time the unfortunate casualty’s companions don’t trust that it was not the injured individual who sent the terrible messages.

 Case Study:

 “Girls are addicted to likes so they post semi-naked selfies”: Peer mediation, normativity and the construction of identity online. Mascheroni, G., Vincent, J., & Jimenez, E. (2015). Looks at how youngsters matured 11-16 of every three European nations (Italy, UK and Spain) create and present their online personalities, and their cooperation with friends. It centers around youthful individuals’ commitment with the development of an online character via web-based networking media through pictures, what’s more, investigates how peer-intervened traditions of self-introduction are appropriated, legitimated, or opposed in pre-youngsters’ and adolescents’ talks. In doing as such, we draw on Goffman’s (1959) chip away at the introduction of self and “impression the executives” to outline our examination. Versatile correspondence also, informal organization destinations serve a vital job during the time spent self-introduction and liberation, giving “full-time” access to friends and companion culture. Our discoveries recommend that there are sex contrasts and the nearness of sexual twofold guidelines in companion regularizing talks. Young ladies are situated as being more exposed to peer intervention and weight. Young men censure young ladies for presenting attractive in photographs, and contrarily authorize this conduct as being gone for expanding one’s fame on the web or as a pointer of “a specific kind of young lady.” However, young ladies who post provocative photographs complied with a sexualized generalization as a methods for being socially acknowledged by companions. Also, they relate to the strain to dependably look “immaculate” in their online pictures. While cross-national varieties do exist, this sexual twofold standard is seen in each of the three nations. These bits of knowledge into current practices could be additionally created to decide arrangement direction for supporting youngsters as they figure out how to oversee picture loaded web based life.

The power that grown-ups hold over youth clarifies something beyond complexities in character execution; it is the foundation of why young people are on MySpace in any case. In the US, the lives of youth and especially secondary school young people – are exceedingly organized. Mandatory secondary school requires numerous understudies to be in class from morning to mid-evening; and many are additionally required to take an interest in after-school exercises, group sports, and work into the night. Today is hard to gauge whether secondary school youngsters has pretty much spare time than past ages, however the expanded commonness of single working guardian and double working guardian families infers that there are either more latchkey children or increasingly afterschool programs viewing these kids. Given the overpowering society of dread and the social despise for latchkey rehearses, it is likely that youngsters are investing more energy in projects than without anyone else. In the meantime, at home in the nights, many are relied upon to do homework or invest energy with the family. While the home has been viewed as a private circle where people can direct their own conduct, this is a grown-up driven story. For some, teenagers, home is a very controlled space with tenets and standards that are carefully constrained by grown-ups.

 This is a phrase used during a conversation between a mom and her daughter of 18 years old in 2005: “if you are not on MySpace, you don’t exist”. From this phrase we can deduct that in 2005 social network sites was a huge deal for youngster in high school as for them it was mean of being recognize and be appreciated as someone to have great value. It also, meant the more popular you become on these social network sites such as Facebook and MySpace, the more friends ou would make. In 2006, the use of social network sites by young people was almost in every home as it meant to be regarded as someone famous and cool and high status at their institution. Although the desire for being popular on social network sites has decreased, it still nonetheless plays an important role into the youngsters’ life.

 After many debates on if these social network sites are equal to face to face meeting and friendship. And if they do provide the same quality as someone we meet in real life or if they may change our habit of interaction, an observation experiment was carried out by Danah Boyd to investigate its impact on our daily life. During her investigation, she found out that first; social network sites were affected by gender. Though this she meant that young boys were more prone to participate the girls of their age whereas older girls participated rather than older boys. Since according to her research, the older girls were using social network sites “MySpace” as a medium to interact with the ones the usually hang out during the day whereas the older boys would use it to flirt or connect with new people. Secondly, she found that youngsters or even people within the age of 20 to 30 were using social network sites as a medium to connect and interact with their favorite bands. As Friendster became more popular among the individual, a San-Francisco-based bands found out that they could leverage the site to communicate with their fans and advertise their songs. However, after realizing that Friendster began to delete and eradicate these account from their site. Fortunately for those bands, MySpace saw this as a way to become more popular among the individual and started to encourage bands to come to their sites and create accounts. This helped people who were out of reach for the band to get connected and listen to their music.


 In conclusion to these case study, social network sites has been very useful to people in terms on communications and keeping people in touch with each other. It has also enable one to become famous and popular among the population and able to differentiate themselves from the rest. Most people joined these social network sites as it was what everybody was doing so they wanted to follow the flow and did not want to lose their status among their friends. However, in this case study I have not consider the side effect of social network sites which could be detrimental to the mental and physical health of the individual using it. An assumption; could be taking a bad comment personally which could let to isolation and depression and even sometime suicide. But further study needs to be investigated in order to verify this assumption of side effect.


It is essential to take note of that there are a couple of confinements to the speculation of this paper. Initially, the paper has been composed totally dependent on secondary information from different authors which restricted the different viewpoints in which a few contents could have been examined had there been essential information accumulation. There is also probability of social and sexual orientation predisposition in certain pieces of the paper as the contents relate to a worldwide aspect of exclusively young females.


Baym N. K. (2007). “The new shape of online community: The example of Swedish independent music fandom”. First Monday, 12(8). https://journals.uic.edu/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/1978/1853

 Boyd, D. (2007). Why Youth (Heart) Social Network Sites: The Role of Networked Publics in Teenage Social Life. In D. Buckingham (Ed.), MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Learning Youth, Identity, and Digital Media Volume. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press. http://www.danah.org/papers/WhyYouthHeart.pdf

Černíková M. (2014). “Sexual problematic situations and related feelings”. The meaning of online problematic situations for children. P 25. http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/56972/1/EU_Kids_Online_Report_Onlin e_Problematic_Situations_for_Children_June2014.pdf

 Černíková M. & Smahel D. (2014). “Aggressive communication, harassment, cyberbullying,and related feelings”. The meaning of online problematic situations for children. P 22. http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/56972/1/EU_Kids_Online_Report_Onlin e_Problematic_Situations_for_Children_June2014.pdf

Mascheroni, G. Vincent, J. and Jiminez, E. (2015). “Girls are addicted to likes so they post semi-nakend selfies”: Peer mediation, normativity and the construction of identity online. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 9(1),DOI: 10.5817/CP2015-1-5

McLean, S. A., Paxton, S. J., Wertheim, E. H., & Masters, J. (2015). Photoshopping the selfie: Self photo editing and photo investment are associated with body dissatisfaction in adolescent girls. The International Journal of Eating Disorders, 48(8), 1132-1140. doi:http://dx.doi.org.dbgw.lis.curtin.edu.au/10.1002/eat.22449

Pearson, E. (2009). All the World Wide Web’s a stage: The performance of identity in online social networks. First Monday, 14(3). Retrieved from: https://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/2162

4 thoughts on “Online communities and networks impacting on youngsters’ lifestyle.

  1. manipulation of internet by any gender cause an impact as you’ve mention as there is the help of the network that contributes to the issues happening in the society. even online games are impacting o youngsters, have a look at my conference paper. i believed that there is a certain link between our paper which would give a great overview of what i’m talking about. 🙂

    1. Hi, MBisasur
      Thank you for reading. I completely agree with you, taking in consideration of what is happening locally involving youngsters, I could not deny the fact that SNSs are having great impact on their lives.

  2. Hey MAuckloo,

    Your paper discussed an interesting topic, and you delve into very relevant and topical areas. I liked your use of language throughout the paper and think you bring up some great key points to convince the reader of your argument, specifically your key points that social network sites allow people to keep in touch with each other and lead to online micro-celebrities.

    My paper also touches on how social networking sites have been able to transform everyday life for people, specifically how people engage with activism through Web 2.0. You can check it out here if you wish (it has a few references I think you may be interested in checking out – https://networkconference.netstudies.org/2019Curtin/2019/05/05/web-2-0-effect-on-societys-engagement-with-activism/#comments

    Whilst you touch on how youngsters receive increased communication and possible popularity through social networks, you haven’t commented on the detrimental effects it can also leave. Teaching bad slang habits, online bullying, access to graphic content and normalizing unrealistic beauty standards are just the first of a long list of the negatives that social networking sites provide to the youth. Do you think then that the positives that you mention outweigh the negatives?

    Looking forward to hearing your response. Alice 🙂

    1. Hey AMcAuliffe,
      Thanks for having a look on my paper and for your feedbacks.
      I do agree that I could mention and even go more in depth with the negative impacts but I wanted to show how Web 2.0 has had an impact of youngsters’ lives and how it helps in a way to boost up their confidence. I could not deny the fact that in this new generation, youngsters tend to be based on the trend that exists on different platforms and that of course they are easily trained to comply with standards.

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