Nowadays, online daters project a fake identity of themselves through various dating platforms such as Facebook, Tinder, Grindr and they think that they are living a ‘perfect life’. Yet, this statement is open to discussion as online dating is seen to uphold both benefits and drawbacks as well.
In today’s time, Identity is a key notion that integrates individuals in the society. Identity is perceived as the construction of an individual’s personality according to how the latter sees himself or herself interacting with other individuals around him or her (Holck, Muhr, and Villeseche, 2016). On the other hand, it is seen that online dating is considered as a crucial aspect in our lives since quite a specific period and whereby it has become a normal activity to communicate with someone through various up-to-date online applications for example Facebook, Grindr, Bumble, Tinder and so on.
It is observed that through latest use of smartphones in the society and digital technology globally, there is the fact how individuals are searching for their respective partners online and creating romantic relationships (Smith and Anderson, 2016). The internet that is the crucial booster to the online platforms is rapidly shifting the traditional relationship phase specifically family, friends and work colleagues according to experts. These days, online dating is a multi-billion-dollar business that is promoting a series of growing sophisticated technological tools, going from online sites to geographically coordinated smartphones applications that enable the filter and search of prospective matches (Felmlee and Kreager, 2017). An example of a frequently used online platform is that of Facebook that has helped online dating spread its effectiveness. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg believes in the power of social media that has held together human relationships and therefore, he has come up with a creative idea to implement a dating feature to the trend. This will enable each individual to have a personal account whereby they will receive messages from a different inbox and hence it will be more interesting and safe to use. This allows the individuals to create their identity online and develop their communication skills. Privacy issues here is guaranteed as the individual friends will not be able to view the latter’s activities. Nevertheless, there still exists some controversial issues concerning harassment cases on the dating platform and how Facebook is planning to crack this problem (Dhapola, 2018).
Furthermore, it has been confirmed by professionals that self-presentation on the internet has found that there are many individuals who have been going quite far to the extent of expressing themselves in a more efficient way online, since they do not get to experience that in real life. This leads to a virtual life online and at the same time improves individuals interacting skills with others compared to old traditional methods whereby dating skills were limited to the use of e-mails and chat rooms (Erjavec and Fiser, 2016). This is why in certain colleges and universities; online dating is seen a delicate matter among students since they are the ones who use the internet regularly. But however, in today’s time, students tend to ignore the fact that as the internet is a crucial booster for many online activities, it is equally responsible for many individuals having complex identity presentation and that social media is completely different from face to face communication. For instance, a woman would not want her close relatives to know her the same manner her friends do. Social media tends to make it difficult for an individual for him or she to act accordingly when the latter brings too many audiences at the same time. This is why, individuals share only the required details to get a notion of their identity and control their level of activity as well (Adhikari, 2016).
Without any doubt, it is a very normal activity that individuals are using social networking sites (SNSs) for many years now whereby these platforms have developed according to latest digital technologies and contributed successfully in making individuals understand the methods of using each specific online platforms. Also, since the introduction of social media lately, the online platforms were simply tools that encouraged human togetherness, developed many individuals’ communication skills and used to reinforce the online community globally. Each platform was observed to have its own way or attracting a specific type of audience whereby the audience had to display their skills and learn more about privacy issues. Additionally, the rise of ‘Mass self-communication’ is all about a global system of networked exchanges that emphasises on common platforms such as GooglePlus, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter that is a combination of both crucial and innovative tools that boost the performance of online identity. Therefore, with the promotion of the self and branding, many individuals more specifically students and adults get to design and create their own platform where they can communicate with other individuals and become popular online (Van Dijck, 2013).
Moreover, it is also observed that there is high use of the online dating platforms by LGBT adults. In an analysis of how gay men and bisexual people meet their soulmates according to statistics obtained, more than 4000 Australian males have confirmed of meeting their soulmates online and that they prefer using the method of using online platforms to meet their lovers compared to other means of meeting new individuals for example Face to Face meeting. The online dating research dates back to the early 2000s when niche populations were being targeted by various websites and diverse services. An additional catching point to be highlighted, is that online dating among the LGBT have decreased HIV positive risks based on many advertising campaigns that were in circulation for a specific period in order to share awareness among the public and people were briefed on the medical precautions to be taken as well. Still, there were some unsatisfied individuals who were not convinced by the campaigns and who claimed that HIV positive risks were very far from declining because of the fact that individuals wanted to experience it in ‘real life’, tempted by the virtual life created around them online (Johnson, Vilceanu and Pontes, 2017).
On the other hand, the fact that the individuals will be meeting their online partners in real life, tend to increase the latter’s anxiety since they have no idea whether their so called soulmates that they met online, match the details as mentioned on their profile. Some risks associated to meeting virtual strangers in real life maybe be that these individuals can turn out to be psychopaths and scary. Communication may become unclear at some point because certain things just does not turn into reality. If ever this new ‘Dating practice’ does not prove to be a threat to the safety of the audience, according to experts it is definitely going to affect our means of interacting with other individuals in society for instance face to face communication. Overall just to say that it is easier to type words and emojis behind his or her computer screen or smartphone, rather than to say it on the individual’s face looking into his or her eyes and talking in a normal voice tone (Batton, 2017).
Additionally, according to professionals from the Norwegian university of Science and Technology, it has been perceived that the hook-up culture on for example Tinder application is relatively not the same as in earlier years and users who have been using the dating tool are more likely interested in short relationships that get over the next day for instance, one-night stands (Marateck, 2018). Conversely Tinder application is seen to have taken over the generation as wildfire spreading rapidly hence leaving the generation in desolation with a set of difficulties such as a set of social problems linked to family issues, confused feelings and protocol failures which lead to individuals being insecure in the long run. Unluckily, with the introduction of the online dating platforms, individuals decide with whom they will be talking to on the basis of other individuals’ pictures and appearance. The application has precisely reinvented the blind date. In the process of creating a fun and useful platform that helps us meet new people and improve our interaction skills, all these are affecting our relationships with friends and family adversely.
Another example of a most common dating tool is that of Grindr. Initially when this app was launched, it was revealed to be the lead of geosocial networking applications. Today things have evolved greatly and Grindr is still seen as one of the most noticeable online dating tools globally. It is the most popular app among gay men since it has been found out that it is more of an opening medium for greeting others than used a key component to locate other gay men. An active Grindr profile is sufficient to recognize any user as a man interested in other men. The dating platform also enables stress levels to adapt to latest fashion trends that would homonormatively make an individual identifiable as gay (Castillo, 2018). On the contrary, there is also the fact how most individuals attract the attention of others through cheap talks that has become very common online. Single professional advisers who are usually biased tend to circulate wrong information and for instance it has become a normal action when the male user comments on women photographs that are unreliable about themselves (Mantell, 2018).
Conversely, there are also some weaknesses that arise when using the dating application. For instance, it was spotted recently that a case of racism was reported. There was a short abstract online that reportedly described how an individual became upset when a white man posted a racist comment on his account, when the latter was in fact using the Gay dating platform to interact with other individuals who had similar objectives in his surroundings. A renowned psychology professor Glen Jankowski from Leeds Beckett University specified that the dating platforms such as Tinder, Grindr and Bumble form an integral part of our lives beyond just dating purposes. Racism is predominant in the society and she reflects that just because this case happened online, this does not necessarily contribute to the fact that it is also valid to real life happenings. Yet, other experts in Australia have indeed found out that around 96 % users had viewed at least an account victim to some kind of racial comments. Racism is still at its highest point on Grindr since many other individuals admitted that they undeniably posted things that were offensive on the basis of other ethnic groups (Stokel–Walker, 2018).
Moreover, with the creation of alternate individuals’ identities online, a fact that should not be disregarded is that this contributes to an increase in catfishing that is considered as one of the major reasons of being deceived online. Catfish is defined as an individual who in general creates an account on social media with all kinds of fake details in order to attract the attention of other people with whom they have the intention of creating a love connection. Catfish are successful in deceiving people since their actions display offline behaviours. They are experts in what they do and this enables them to steal the picture of any stranger and upload it as if it was their property. However, more complications occur when individuals no longer feel safe to update their personal details on online platforms for instance their date of birth, hobbies and height to take full advantage of attractiveness. Both gender are determined on lying and providing false information about themselves but nowadays with all kinds of technology it is easier to detect any misuse of information. But on the contrary, catfish is also seen to promote levels of confidence and trust in relationships through some means of social media whereby users are welcome to share any updated details about themselves. Hereby, emphasizing the importance of quality over quantity is necessary when widening our online networks (D’Costa, 2014).
To conclude, we can say that based on the analysis of identities used to promote online dating; individuals can now search for their romantic soulmates or lovers easily online if ever they are having issues to find someone in their surroundings. Presently, one can have access to various websites where users can interact easily with other people and get to discover new things online. But where there are benefits, there are disadvantages as well. For example, dating tools can prove to be unsafe in cases where behind that laptop screen or smartphone, individuals do not really know whether the user that they have met virtually online is indeed the same as described by the latter. People should be more careful when it comes to reviewing their privacy settings online. Based on the above arguments, we can say that online dating has brought a new trend in today’s society but still one should learn how to use it correctly.
References list:
Adhikari, S. R. (2016). Identity and information sharing in social media: A study of political identity and social media behavior (Order No. 10191530). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1853455423). Retrieved from
Batton, Grace. (2017, September 4). Dating apps are affecting our communication. The Daily Gamecock. Retrieved from
Castillo, A. (2018). EXPLICIT COMPLICITY: A GRINDR NARRATIVE. Chasqui, 47(2), 3-14. Retrieved from
D’Costa, Krystal. (2014, April 25). Catfishing: The Truth About Deception Online. Scientific American. Retrieved from
Dhapola, Shruti. (2018, May 3). Facebook will soon have a dating feature, but there are many questions unanswered. The Indian Express. Retrieved from
Erjavec, K., & Fiser, S. Z. (2016). Aging adults about online dating: “I am back on the relationship market!”. Polish Sociological Review, (195), 361-371. Retrieved from
Felmlee, D. H., & Kreager, D. A. (2017). The invisible contours of online dating communities: A social network perspective. Journal of Social Structure, 18, 0_1,1-27. Retrieved from
Holck, L., Muhr, S. L.,
& Villesèche, F. (2016). Identity, diversity and diversity management. Equality,
Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 35(1), 48-64.
Johnson, K., Vilceanu, M. O., & Pontes, M. C. (2017). Use of online dating websites and dating apps: Findings and implications for LGB populations. Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness, 11(3), 60-66. Retrieved from
Mantell, E. H. (2018). Searching for a partner on the internet and analogous decision-making problems. Cogent Economics & Finance, 6(1) doi:
Marateck, Juliet. (2018, May 29). Online dating lowers self-esteem and increases depression. CNN News. Retrieved from
Smith, Aaron., and Anderson, Monica. (2016, February 29). 5 Facts about online dating. Retrieved from
Stokel–Walker, Chris. (2018, September 29). Why is it OK for online daters to block whole ethnic groups? The Guardian. Retrieved from
Van Dijck, J. (2013). ‘You have one identity’: Performing the self on Facebook and LinkedIn. Media, Culture & Society, 35(2), 199-215. Retrieved from
This is a really lovely read on your take of fake identities on dating sites. Your final line ‘one should learn to use it correctly’ is intriguing as one only learns the ‘norms’ through ‘using’ a site – and the norms vary across dating platforms. It would be interesting to see what literature tells us about those that fail to use dating sites ‘correctly’ and what this ‘correct’ use is, who does it benefit and who does it leave out.
Hello Dr Herminder Kaur, thanks for reading my paper and providing your feedback. I will make sure to highlight more specific details regarding the ‘correct’ use of the dating platforms and how it benefits indeed some individuals while other individuals get left out due to other issues.
Hi, KRamdenee
I agree with Dr Herminder Kaur’s comment and I am also intrigued by your statement that users should learn how to use dating sites correctly. Unfortunately, with dating sites, there is no opportunity to ‘try before you buy’ so other than maybe reading the applications ‘help’ pages or consulting with friends that are members the only real way to develop the skills to use the app correctly is through real time use and as you have highlighted there are dangers that accompany this.
If people are lying on their dating apps, or creating false identities, are they doing this to increase their chances of finding a mate? And what happens when people meet face-to-face? Are they going to retract their falsities once they fall in love or will they continue to uphold the lies they told to snare their catch?
Also, how do we know or how do we tell what are lies and what is true on an online profile? You say in your paper that “…with all kinds of technology it is easier to detect any misuse of information…”. Can you expand on this?
P.S. I look at the inauthentic presentation of self in my paper too – head over and check it out!
Hi CFitzgerald,
Your statement is indeed true regarding the fact that with dating sites, you cannot know the possible outcomes without trying the online platform. Also, replying to your questions, when people lie about their profiles or they create fake identities, some individuals do this to find a mate online when they have experienced deception in real life. Therefore, this is why some people lie to find a true soulmate. Well, when they meet their partners in real life, the lie may remain on but in other cases, people indeed use the dating platform to find their potential partners and they are true to the relationship formed. However, this is why my paper highlights both the positive effects and negative effects of the online platforms.
Kind Regards,
Hello Miss Ramdenee
You have indeed detailed the power of Social media and it’s various platform which has enormously changed people ‘s life in the way we need to look at relationships and openness. You are absolutely right is stating “carefulness “ as anything we do in life on any decision we make there is always an element of risk of it to be worked out or not .And I think this is an individual decision and people must have choice in their life of how they would like to meet their partners or future husband or wife . There is no right or wrong it’s all about experiencing life …
Hello there, thanks for your feedback. My paper actually focused on the way online dating has changed our lives to certain extent for example meeting potential partners and how indeed there is need for carefulness based on the fact how fake identities are being created out there to mislead individuals.
Comprehensive review. Well presented and ‘how to use sites carefully’ articles are available and I agree should b consulted.
Hi Angela,
Thank you so much for this amazing feedback.
Kind regards,
A very interesting insight into the use of online dating. Social media in general and online dating in particular requires a different form of socialisation process. The question is how prepared are we to deal with its challenges. The impact on the society and the individual is still unknown. For example there will have under 18s creating a fake identity to have access to certain Applications and this may lead to some serious implications. Also you may want to investigate how people create and live their dreams online and they may find it more satisficing than the real world.
Hello Priya,
Thanks for your feedback. You have mentioned an interesting point here concerning the under 18 individuals who fake their age to get into the online dating culture. It is very common nowadays for any under age to create a fake profile and then passing themselves as older adults. The statement that you provided ; it is indeed true that people now prefer to live and dream virtually. However, this is very far from the real world and people do not realise how bad it can be to live virtually.
Hey KRamdenee
I really enjoyed reading your paper. Dating through applications is such a current and controversial topic, and I’m glad you have explored and given insight into how this has been affected by the portrayal of one’s identity. I especially like how you investigated and also looked into the dangers that application dating and online dating bring.
Whilst you note many advantages and disadvantages of being able to create an online dating identity, I was wondering what your opinion about the increase of risky sexual behaviors that have flourished since the introduction of dating applications. Do you think that such risky behaviors (one-night stands, sleeping with strangers, etc) have been increased due to an interest of people’s online identities, or the introduction of dating applications themselves?
Thanks for a great read, I look forward to hearing your response.
– Alice
My conference paper if you wish to read:
Hi Alice,
Thanks for your amazing feedback. I am glad that you found my paper enjoyable for a read. My opinion on the increase of risky sexual behaviors is indeed a matter of high concern since nowadays people are more for the hook-up culture mostly one-night stands and that the increase in these people behaviors are more in depth with both their online identities and the introduction of these dating applications.
kind regards,
Hi Kajal,
I really enjoyed reading your paper quite enriching and informative i would saying .
Well, i agree with your argument that online daters project a fake identity most of the time wither faking their sexes, age and even their occupation.
Do you agree that online dating sites have made people desperate in a way to be in a relationship? There is also the case that for me there is no authenticity represent owing to the fact that you don’t really know whether or not the person is being genuine about their identity.
Do read my conference paper and give me your feedbacks thanks!!!!!
Hi DRamen,
Thanks for providing amazing feedbacks. I personally think that online dating sites have made people desperate to be in a relationship to some extent. For example, on Facebook, you can see people updating their relationship status from single to in a relationship and this tend to influence the individuals to search for their potential soulmates. Being present online is what makes things different indeed. You can never know whether the person is genuine or not. However, as mentioned online platforms are seen as a positive aspect and negative aspect too.
Kind regards,
Hi Kajal,
Your paper was very interesting. Dating apps have certainly redefined romantic relationships. The idea behind its use varies from “casual sex, entertainment to validation”. To a certain extent, online daters have adopted a deceptive attitude in their self-presentation as those Web 2.0 tools have become a fertile ground to find eligible matches and for romantic scam. Users tend to use photographic deception to attract potential matches. In the same way, people indulging in catfishing manipulate their victims by playing with sensibility and vulnerability. To that, I totally disagree with the fact that you’ve mentioned that catfishing promotes confidence and trust. Instead I believe that it leads to low self-worth.
Hi Shameema,
Thanks for your feedbacks. I am glad that you agreed with me on certain points. Well , I guess that I missed certain information and this is why I stated that catfishing promotes confidence and trust to certain level for people who are available on social media. I personally think that catfishing is not encouraging at all and it leads to low self-worth as you mentioned.
Kind regards,
Hi KRamdenee,
That’s a very interesting paper you have here. You said that people make use of online dating sites to look for their soulmates. What are your views about people who make use of such dating sites for casual sex?
Also, people may lie on dating apps either because they are ashamed of their height/appearance or they might be wrongdoers (kidnappers, killers, etc). Don’t you think it might be a dangerous way to look for a partner?
Hi VSooben,
Thanks for reading my paper. Well I indeed stated that many individuals use online dating sites to look for their soulmates. I personally believe these dating sites are very helpful to search for your potential partner but in the case for casual sex and the fact of lying on the dating sites, this is not too appropriate as one person might not know the other person intentions. Anyone can be dangerous beneath an innocent face. The online dating sites are seen to uphold both benefits and drawbacks to some extent.
Hi KRamdenee, this is a great paper! You’ve looked at many aspects relating to online dating and I really enjoyed reading your work.
In regards to people using online dating sites for casual hook-ups – do you think this is risky due to the possibilities of sexually transmitted infections or diseases as people may be having unprotected sexual encounters with multiple strangers?
I also noticed that you said “4000 Australian males have confirmed of meeting their soulmates online and that they prefer using the method of using online platforms” – I believe you state that this was determined through analysis of gay men and bisexual people, does that mean this statement does not apply to straight men? Do straight people prefer to meet potential partners face to face? If this is the case, I’d love to hear your opinion on why you think this occurs.
My paper focuses on a similar topic of creating online profiles to attract people – however I examine the network platform LinkedIn and how people profiles may present inauthentic representations which effect how successful the platform is as a recruitment tool. Feel free to give it a read and let me know what you think!
Hi EOwen,
Thanks for reading my paper out. Concerning the questions that you have asked me, I personally believe that using the online dating sites for casual hook-ups can indeed be risky as you mentioned such as sexually transmitted diseases since people get more into that culture of one-night stands without thinking of future consequences. They meet their so called partners, have fun and the next day it is another new start for them.
Additionally, replying on the case of the Australian males, according to the statistics that a paper mentioned about, I stated that only. Straight people also prefer to meet other individuals online. In the case of gay men and bisexual people, they prefer to use more online platforms since in some countries the LGBT community is still not acceptable and so these individuals are actually timid to express their real nature.
Kind regards,
Hello KRamdenee,
I found your paper really interesting as it talks about online dating and how it has changed the traditional way of people meeting their partner. Long ago, people used to meet other individuals through gatherings, meetings, work place and I agree that nowadays, online dating has made dating a lot more easy as it is easier to find a partner who is a lot more compatible which can lead to serious relationships. However, as you mentioned in your paper, it is important to acknowledge the disadvantages as well in regards to fake identities, wrongdoers and many more.
I also like how you discussed the weaknesses of online dating by supporting your argument with examples such as the racism case.
Do you agree that online dating might have its perks but it is not secure enough for people out there ?
Would love to hear your thoughts.
Kind Regards,
Hi ABhackaurally,
Thanks for your amazing feedbacks. Well as per what you asked me, I agree with you that online dating indeed has its perks as I described above regarding the benefits that it provides. But additionally, it is not secure enough to some extent, because since it is an online platform; there are hackers out there that can mess with your profile and there are other sets of problems that may follow afterwards.
Kind regards,
Hey KRamdenee,
What a fantastic read. You make some great points about both the positives and the negatives of online dating, as well as including some great references.
I feel that these sites are great for allowing people to meet others and form relationships easily, but the risks are super scary.
I have had someone close to me experience a bad case of cat fishing and I have to say it can be very damaging on the receiving end. Not only does it hurt their ego, but they waste time talking to someone and ignore other possible partners in the process. You also point out in your paper that people using these apps are forming their opinions of others based on their looks. Do you think if there were such an application where people could only see personality traits and no photos people would use it? Or are we all an extremely narcissistic society only choosing based on looks?
Thanks, BMaddison
Hi BMaddison,
Thanks for acknowledging my paper. The risks are indeed very scary. Concerning the people who have been using these apps, they are indeed being judgmental to some extent. Well, if ever there was an application where people could chat without seeing the other individuals pictures, some people who believe in true love stuffs would probably go for it. Some people do not think looks are important over feeling issues. But in some cases, indeed we are stuck in a society where looks are extremely important even if that individual who is handsome is lying about all his details online over an individual who is average looking but is genuine at the end.
Kind regards,
Hi ABhackaurally,
I found your paper a really fascinating read. It definitely put into perspective how easy it is in today’s society for one to reinvent themselves online. These networking and dating sites are a strong platform that enable people to create a completely different persona. I definitely agree that the Internet has been utilised as a vital tool for users to then establish themselves within the online communities. What are your thoughts on online dating? How do you believe an individual can find someone authentic within the unrealistic and fabricated domains? I do believe it is possible, as it has become such a popular way for users to develop strong relationships, but what is your stance on this?
I also definitely have to agree, the points you made on self-presentation online were spot on. It is true, I believe there is immense pressure for individuals to present themselves in a idealistic manner, that is deemed more acceptable to these perceived societal standards and expectations. Do you also agree there is significant judgement based on an individual’s appearance?
I look forward to hearing your opinion!
Hi Taneesha,
Just to clear the confusion, I am KRamdenee, not ABhackaurally.
To answer your question, I think that online dating creates romantic connections online and it is a great medium for people to connect and have a future ahead together. However, some of its drawbacks should also be highlighted. For instance, users may lie on their personal details and thus project a fake persona online which in turn can be considered as a betrayal for the opposite user.
These online dating sites can be considered unrealistic but it really helps two people to connect through the various information that they provide, for example their tastes, preferences, hobbies. People also are very judgemental and they are more for looks than personal traits.
kind regards,
Hey there !
I have been reading your essay on fake identity through online application. I have personally try one of the date apps to see how it works and along watch episode of catfish ! To my surprise that the majority of profile online on dating apps are fake ! With the facility of photo montage apps once can take someone’s picture, re use it and add effects to it with a fictitious name. It is scary how some people step into this dangerous game not knowing the danger of it. Do you think that developers can have a feature built in the app to detect fake profiles ? With the statement below ” Tinder application is seen to have taken over the generation as wildfire spreading rapidly hence leaving the generation in desolation with a set of difficulties such as a set of social problems linked to family issues, confused feelings and protocol failures which lead to individuals being insecure in the long run. ” I think you clearly mentioned where the new generation is leading to and leaving behind the consequences. Very nice paper indeed ! Keep it up
Shaf Sookharry
Read how businesses need internet to survive :
Hi Shaf Sookharry,
Thanks for your amazing feedbacks. It is indeed scary how catfishing has been making many victims and it is so bad to find so many people falling into that trap without knowing the risk factors awaiting them. With the evolving technology, it can be true that developers may come up with a new feature to identify fake profiles. Also, this has become a must in today’s society since many people are being targeted and falling in the trap. This new feature will help many people to be safe in the near future .
Kind regards,
Hi Taneesha,
Just to clear the confusion, I am KRamdenee, not ABhackaurally.
To answer your question, I think that online dating creates romantic connections online and it is a great medium for people to connect and have a future ahead together. However, some of its drawbacks should also be highlighted. For instance, users may lie on their personal details and thus project a fake persona online which in turn can be considered as a betrayal for the opposite user.
These online dating sites can be considered unrealistic but it really helps two people to connect through the various information that they provide, for example their tastes, preferences, hobbies. People also are very judgemental and they are more for looks than personal traits.
kind regards,
Hey KRamdenee,
Your topic was catching my attention. We both have similar topics which is online dating. It is sad of how good dating apps is for the LGBT community and for the people who are busy with their work, people take it the advantage of that by creating fake dating profile. Although, in my opinion finding a soulmate on dating apps is like catching a butterfly. It hard and you have to be selective you. Now my question is what would you do if your potential date from dating apps is actually try to catfish you? And do you think people nowadays are looking for their soulmate online?
You can also check it out my paper and make a comment about it
Hi KRamdenee
Your paper does a good job of explaining how it now easy to connect with people no matter where they live thanks to social media, dating apps, and the internet in general. You also showed how identity can be so easily falsified and used to catfish people, this is why I would never use dating apps or social media to find a suitable partner because you never know the whole truth. I don’t say that you can’t find someone on dating apps or on social media since there some people out there who got together by using them but personally, I think the risks outways the benefits and that it’s not worth it.
What’s your opinion on that?