This paper argues that social media platforms such as Instagram allow travel influencers to impact millennials travel decisions. Social media influencers play an important and growing role in the consumer decision making process. The wealth of social media influencers relies on the loyalty of their audience and with whom they connect with. This paper will explore how social media platforms such as Instagram facilitate interactions between travel influencers and millennials which can impact travel decisions. One of Instagram’s most popular travel influencers with a large following and who often engages in the Instagram community is Murad Osmann. With the use of this influencer as an example, this paper discusses how Instagram can facilitate positive interactions between travel influencers and millennials and how these interactions can impact millennials travel decisions.
Keywords: Social Media, Influencer, Instagram, Travel Decisions, Millennials
Social networking sites have facilitated new ways for audiences to connect with one another more directly and organically. In particular, the use and popularity of Instagram has increased rapidly largely among millennials. Instagram permits users to share images and photos with others in both a public or private way, and allows other users to view, like and comment on these posts (Casalo, Flavian & Ibanez-Sanchez, 2016). Due to the increasing popularity, Instagram influencers are on the rise. Influencers represent “a new type of independent third-party endorser who shapes audience attitudes through blogs, tweets, and the use of other social media” (Freberg, Graham & McGaughey, as cited in Magno and Cassia, 2018, p. 288). Glucksman (2017) contends that Instagram influencers are impacting consumer decision making by promoting relevant and relatable content and capturing the attention of consumers. Through creating strong ties with their audience, influencers have undoubtedly influenced the tourism industry and impact travel decisions amongst millennials. This paper will explore how these strong ties are formed between influencers and their followers and how they impact millennials travel decisions.
Millennials, Instagram and Tourism
Instagram is a social networking site that permits users to share images and videos with their followers and allows other users to view, comment and like these posts. One group adopting Instagram for travel related purposes and motivations are the millennial generation, those of who were born between 1980 and 1996. Instagram’s increasing relevance has facilitated a greater number of interactions between millennials, influencers and brands compared to other social networking sites. As millennials are the generation of digital natives where connecting to others is extremely important, staying connected through Instagram is vitally important to many individuals. According to a recent study conducted by Schofields among millennial travellers between 18 and 33, more than 40 percent prioritized how ‘Instagrammable’ the holiday will be (Arnold, 2018). The Instagrammability of a particular travel location was more important to participants than other factors such as cost, availability of alcohol, sightseeing opportunities and local cuisine (Arnold, 2018).
For millennials, Instagram is mainly used for entertainment, information and leisure purposes. Instagram has crated a great amount of opportunity for travellers and the tourism industry as it is one of the biggest influencers of travel motivations and purchase decisions. Although there are many factors which influence the desire to travel, in recent years, the rise and power of Instagram influencers have contributed to the decision making process. One of the most popular Instagram travel influencers among millennials is Murad Osmann. Murad is an avid traveler who utilizes the vital power of Instagram through hashtags, geotagging and Instagram stories to promote his images and videos. Influences such as Murad Osmann create a strong level of attraction and desire for consumers who want to travel to ‘be like him’ as opposed to travelling for the destination itself.
Creating strong ties between influencer and followers
With the assistance of social media, influencers have succeeded in gaining the trust of their audience. Individuals are more likely to purchase products recommended by influencers as they are able to relate to them more than celebrities or brands, and therefore, individuals find influencers almost as trustworthy as their family or friends (Millionmetrics, 2017). Christou (2015 as cited in Chatzigeorgiou, 2017, p. 25) contends that people who act as Instagram influencers are trusted due to their predictability, reputation and competence. By enabling a platform for ordinary people to become influencers as opposed to someone who already has a strong public image, they maximize prominence and recognition thus building a more loyal community of users and supporters (Khamis, Ang & Welling, 2016). In a recent study conducted by Defy Media, millennials described Instagram Influencers as “just like me, understands me, someone I trust has the best advice, genuine and someone I feel close to” (2017, cited in Millionmetrics, 2017).
A study conducted by Magno and Cassia (2018) found that the intentions of a follower to adopt the travel suggestions offered by a travel influencer significantly depended on the perception of the influencers trustworthiness. Murad Osmann, named one of the top three travel influencers in the world by Forbes, has created a strong community through Instagram. Murad had over four million Instagram followers and become influential in 2011 by accident after posting an image to Instagram of his girlfriend leading him by the hand through the streets of Barcelona. From there, the #FollowMeTo project began, creating an experience for Instagram users to follow Murad and his girlfriend all around the world through images and videos posted to Instagram using the hashtag.
Instagram travel influencers such as Murad often reach a large audience and therefore, it is easy for them to create strong ties with a range of different people all in the Instagram community. Murad creates and keeps strong ties with his audience by engaging with them through Instagram posts by asking questions, replying to comments asked by his followers and posting Instagram stories daily. These strong ties are created within the Instagram community due to the effect influencers like Murad have on their followers. This includes the ability to influence followers travel decisions through images and videos of specific destinations promoted by the influencer. This is because Instagram influencers are perceived as “a trusted tastemaker in one or several niches” (Veirman, Cauberghe, & Hudders, 2017, p. 798).
For travel influencers like Murad, a high number of Instagram followers reflects network size and thus serves as a sign of popularity (Veirman, Cauberghe, & Hudders, 2017). Instagram Influencers who obtain a large following are perceived as trusted, therefore followers feel that if other individuals of the same demographic follow, trust and respect the information that a particular influencer is putting forward, it is then acceptable for them to do so too (Veirman, Cauberghe, & Hudders, 2017). A higher number of followers also results in a larger reach within the Instagram community and a higher value as an opinion leader. Therefore, the strong ties formed between an Instagram influencer and their followers also allow influencers to have some form of power and effect over their followers which can impact their decision making process. For an influencer to successfully impact the decision making process of a follower, a strong tie within the community has been formed.
Impacting Millennials Travel Decisions
Millennials are faced with a wide range of available sources to find information that can impact their travel decision making process. Social media has made it possible to quickly and conveniently obtain large amounts of information in a short period of time. However, the abundance and variety of available information also makes it challenging for consumers to judge its value and credibility (Veirman, Cauberghe, & Hudders, 2017). The ties created between Instagram influencers and the audience play a vital part in this decision making process and determining what or who is a credible source.
Instagram influencers are perceived as significant opinion leaders as they are easily able to increase the influence of the information they obtain and broadcast to others. At the moment, they serve as a principal discovery tool for millennials when deciding on travel factors like places to visit, where to stay, and sights to see. It is evident as a survey by Chase Card Services contended that 44 percent of millennial travellers searched for opinions and recommendations on Instagram while researching about a planned trip (Millionmetrics, 2017). Millennials see Instagram travel influencers and their suggestions as more authentic and reliable than commercial travel guides. As Arnold (2017) claims, the millennial generation is recognized for trusting peers over celebrity’s and brands, and thus they are more open to accept opinions and recommendations from social media influencers who they can relate to or admire.
Bennett (2014, p. 25, as cited in Chatzigeorgiou) contends that 74% of consumers made purchasing decisions based on social media. Millennials take lead as the generation with the most purchasing power and the most active on social media. Content posted on Instagram by travel influencers, also referred to as user generated content, has proven to be more popular and effective than professional advertisements due to their capability to influence travel decisions (Lipizzi et al., 2015 as cited in Sokolova & Kefi, 2019, p. 1). A study conducted by Magno and Cassia (2018), documented that the rising relevance of Instagram influencers impact the formation of their audience’s decisions and attitudes towards tourism. As Influencers are able to share images, videos and the story of their journey with others on the internet, they receive admiration from their work and thus inspire people to book a similar trip for similar experiences (Millionmetrics, 2017). This is evident through the words of Murad Osman himself:
We are sharing with you our stories about some of the world’s most unknown and unrecognizable landmarks and showing you how a travel to a destination you always dreamt about could become a reality. And it doesn’t matter what language you speak, or how much you earn. You could literally ‘get inside our heads’ and find out all we think about different countries, airlines, hotels, how to pack your suitcase, and other little things, which when summed up create a whole big picture of a great journey (Follow Me To, n.d.).
The travel content posted to Instagram by travel influencers often inspires others and gives them a sense of wanting to experience the same destinations and experiences that they see their fellow influencers experiencing. As Instagram Influencers are also often sharing their lives with the world, millennials are constantly surrounded by an array of dynamic images, videos and information that continues to emerge and evolve, and therefore can strongly impact their decision making process. Millennials are the generation who frequently identify with influencers and borrow some aspect of their lifestyle to be like them, thus influencers are able to impact travel decisions because they are adopted by their audience who admire them (Sokolova & Kefi, 2019). For a millennial to see an Instagram influencer with a large following, strong audience ties and interactive posts, individuals perceive this influencer as trusted and reliable. Therefore, millennials feel as if they share similar values and attitudes and are able to relate strongly to the influencer (Sokolova & Kefi, 2019). Instagram influencers who effectively create strong ties and a sense of community with their audience are able to impact millennials travel decision making process.
This paper has discussed travel influencers and their ability to create strong ties through positive interactions with their followers on Instagram. Through these positive interactions, travel influencers are then able to influence the travel decision making process for millennials. The emergence of social networking sites has also facilitated the emergence of social media influencers. Instagram influencers are playing a vital role in impacting the decision making process throughout the millennial generation, more specifically travel decisions. Instagram influencers significantly impact social ties within the Instagram community by creating strong ties between themselves and their followers. To successfully influence the decision making process, travel influencers must retain a trustworthy and respectful relationship with their audience to strengthen the ties between themselves and their followers. Through the use of a well know Instagram travel influencer, Murad Osmann, throughout this paper for reference, it is evident that travel influencers have the ability to impact millennials travel decisions.
Arnold, A. (2018). Here’s How Much Instagram Likes Influence Millennials’ Choice Of Travel Destinations. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewarnold/2018/01/24/heres-how-much-instagram-likes-influence-millennials-choice-of-travel-destinations/#1d93402c4eba
Casalo, L. V., Flavian, C., & Ibanez-Sanchez, S. (2017). Antecedents of consumer intention to follow and recommend an Instagram account. Online Information Review; Bradford, 41(7), 1046-1063. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.dbgw.lis.curtin.edu.au/docview/1960510356?accountid=10382
Chatzigeorgiou, C. (2017). Modelling the impact of social media influencers on behavioural intentions of millennials: The case of tourism in rural areas in Greece. Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing, 3(2), 25-29. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1209125
Follow Me To. (n.d.). About. Retrieved from https://followmeto.travel/about
Glucksman, M. (2017). The Rise of Social Media Influencer Marketing on Lifestyle Branding: A Case Study of Lucie Fink. Elon Journal of Undergraduate Research in Communications, 8(2), 77-87. Retrieved from https://www.elon.edu/u/academics/communications/journal/wp-content/uploads/sites/153/2017/12/08_Lifestyle_Branding_Glucksman.pdf
Khamis, S., Ang, L., & Welling, R. (2016). Self-branding, ‘micro-celebrity’ and the rise of Social Media Influencers. Celebrity Studies, 8(2), 191-208. https://doi-org.dbgw.lis.curtin.edu.au/10.1080/19392397.2016.1218292
Magno, C., & Cassia, F. (2018). The Impact of Social Media Influencers in Tourism. An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 29, 288-290. https://doi.org/10.1080/13032917.2018.1476981
Millionmetrics. (2017). The Power of Social Influencers in Destination Marketing. Retrieved from https://www.millionmetrics.com/influencers-destination-marketing/
Sokolova, K., &Kefi, H. (2019). Instagram and YouTube bloggers promote it, why should I buy? How credibility and parasocial interaction influence purchase intentions. Journal of Retailing and Customer Services. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2019.01.011
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I read your paper and found it pretty interesting. I found the concept of “instagrammable” things very interesting and true, Instagram users are more concerned if they will be able to ‘Instagram’ their food rather than the ingredients present in it and I personally think that it is alarming.
Do you think that the next generation will be a generation of show-offs on Instagram, who will live for others?
You can check my paper: https://networkconference.netstudies.org/2019Curtin/2019/05/06/social-networking-sites-are-causing-the-downfall-of-adolescents-and-children/
Thanks for taking the time to read my paper! I definitely think the millennial generation is paving the way for the next generation to become show-offs on Instagram, as it is very much what is happening on Instagram nowadays.
Many influencers right now are being paid per post on Instagram and even having sponsored posts, which shows as if they are having a better life than anyone but yet does not own any of these things.
I clearly think that the comparisons to these people can be detrimental, do you think it can be a serious problem for others mental health?
I found this paper very interesting and you have done a good job on explaining how millennials are influenced by Instagrammers travels, do you think these days millennials are so reliant on their Instagram for travel ideas because it is trendy to take Insta worthy photos?
I definitely think that is one aspect of it, Instagram is such a huge influence in many peoples everyday lives so i think that the ability to take insta worthy travel photos and show them off to everyone is desirable for many people.
Influencers are indeed already influencing decisions that we make, what products we buy, which brands we choose and yes! they do have an impact on our travel decisions.
We are constantly viewing the content that influencers publish and most of the time this includes their travel pictures. We want to experience the same places they visit or where they take pictures. But what I am questioning is that because influencers tend to post content that appeals to idealism, we are viewing travel experiences that are made to look ‘perfect’. We are not viewing realistic experiences and often these influencers are paid to travel or their experiences are paid for. So this affects our perception of travelling and thus we are getting travel expectations that exceed what we can afford or that are unrealistic for us. This could consequently, negatively affect our travel experience as we leave with too high of an expectation and instead experience true reality, which we were tricked into by influencer content.
I completely agree with where you’re coming from and that is another way to look at it! Although influencers are able to positively impact travel decisions, they can also unfortunately negatively impact them too. Some travel influencers post content that is made to look perfect and almost too good to be true in a way, and sometimes it is. So if people make travel decisions based on an influencers content, they may be disappointed when they arrive and a destination does not live up to their expectations.
Hi SFurfaro,
You have wrote a really interesting paper regarding the influence of Instagram and people’s travel decision. To be fond, I agree with your statement that often people go on Instagram and use it as a platform to find inspiration and ideas. Many travel vloggers and influencers are being endorsed with flights and accommodations which promotes the places that they go to. Because of the trust and the relationships that has been built between those influencers and their fans, people travel decision can be influenced. During their visits, travel influencers would often document their activities in their instagram profiles or in YouTube videos.
I think I can really relate to this topic personally as I have planned one of my trips to Japan before, and I can say that my destinations around Japan was heavily influenced by the influencer that I follow on Instagram. Your example, “Follow Me To” is also one of the top travel influencer and they have been very successful in influencing people’s travel decisions. There are heaps of other travel influencers out there, if you would like to start your own path on being a travel influencer, what do you think are they keys to being a successful one?
I have also written a paper on LinkedIn usefulness in building online network and the recruitment industry, feel free to read my paper and leave a comment
Hi SFurfaro,
Definitely influencers play a major roles in affecting our decisions and one of them is the travel decision. Your example on the Murad Osman reminds me of another really popular travel blogger who’s name is Drew Binskey. You’ve heard about him? This man plans on visiting every country in the world and is soon to reach his goal. Everytime, I watch his videos, I find myself drawn to start planning a trip because his video are not only appealing in terms of visual but also they are educative and tempting. So in that sense, are the influencers’ routines positive. I think it’s arguable. Because what’s being projected may not always reflect the reality. Plus these influencers although most of the times, they deny the sponsorship, they do get money behind all these products advertisement they show in their videos. And also, are they really enjoying their travels as they are portraying or it is purely with the mindset to promote the popularity, the Instagram page, fame and keep the money coming in? Are their lives indeed pretty as they make it appear? That’s questionable too.