Debating Communities and Networks

We respectfully acknowledge the Elders and custodians of the Whadjuk Nyungar nation, past and present, their descendants and kin. The Curtin University Bentley Campus enjoys the privilege of being located on the site where the Derbal Yerrigan (Swan River) and the Djarlgarra (Canning River) meet. The area is of great cultural significance and sustains the life and well being of the traditional custodians past and present. As representative of Curtin University we are proud to honour the Nyungar people and value this place of shared learning. We recognise the impacts of colonisation on Indigenous Australians and are committed to moving forward together in a spirit of mutual honour and respect.

Welcome to the tenth Debating Communities and Networks Conference. This conference is hosted and organised by students in the Internet Communications degree program at Curtin University’s, Bentley and Mauritius campuses.

Listen to the welcome speech here.

The conference will run from May 6 – May 24 and everyone is invited to join in the debates on the papers presented.

This year there are five conference streams:

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