Identity in Communities and Networks

Identity Wars: How the self-presentation of vegan YouTube influencers impacts viewers and the vegan movement.

Abstract Social networking sites have helped improve the way people express themselves and find their identity. They can also be a place for people to join communities, collaborate and promote activist movements such as the vegan movement. Identity among vegan YouTube influencers is very important as there seems to be a fight for status to always be noticed. One of the more popular types of veganism on YouTube is dietary veganism, with influencers focusing on body image and food choices rather Read more [...]
Communities and Online Gaming

More than a game: Levelling up relationships

Craig Lennard Keywords: Virtual, Community, Multiplayer, Network, Games Abstract: Online gaming is not generally associated with strengthening relationships and developing communities. However, patterns are emerging in research into the field of Online Multiplayer Games (OMG's), suggesting they provide a fertile ground for cultivating relationships and bridging pockets of society separated by age, race, and socioeconomic factors. Games as a focal point attract people providing them with Read more [...]
Indigenous People, Virtual Communities and Online Social Networks

The Voice Unheard

By Bruno Santoro Curtin University                                                                              Read more [...]